How Invisalign is Made

At first glance, Invisalign clear aligners may appear to simply be small pieces of plastic shaped like the outline of teeth. But the process of how Invisalign is made has become the most innovative and technical procedure ever used in the orthodontic industry.

With amazing advancements in technology and 3D printing, Invisalign is made to fit the exact specifications needed for each and every individual who uses it. QuickSmiles will create a custom design that is made to fit your mouth snugly and comfortably.

How is Invisalign Made?

QuickSmiles has a proprietary process to ensure that your Invisalign clear aligners fit your mouth perfectly and achieve the desired results as quickly as possible. We follow this process with every new patient to provide you with a fast, affordable smile transformation every time.

1. X-rays

As with regular braces, before starting Invisalign treatment you’ll have x-rays and photographs taken of your teeth from a variety of different angles. These images will be analyzed closely by your orthodontist to see the precise process they will need to use before the first stage of your smile correction.

2. Smile Scan

Next up, a professional orthodontic assistant will conduct a digital scan of our smile using an industry-leading iTero Element® scanner. This device will capture 6,000 images per second to create a high-resolution 3D digital replica of your teeth. With its pinpoint accuracy, you’ll be able to avoid the gross, goopy impressions used by other clear aligner alternatives.

3. 3D Model

Using Invisalign’s proprietary ClinCheck software, a 3D model will be made of your mouth. Thanks to the system’s Invisalign outcome simulator, you’ll be able to see a step-by-step simulation of what your smile transformation will look like from start to finish. We love showing people what their new smile will look like – in 3D!

4. Manufactured

Once the digital creation of your smile correction is completed, the files will be sent to our Invisalign manufacturing location to be produced. Your clear aligners will be made to fit perfectly as soon as they arrive.

5. Delivery

From the point of your Smile Scan to receiving your first trays takes anywhere from 2-3 weeks. They will be sent to the nearest QuickSmiles office where you will have the chance to try them on and ensure they have the proper fit before taking them home.

What is Invisalign Made of?

The advanced substance used to create Invisalign clear aligners is known as SmartTrack® material. This medical-grade plastic is made of precise measurements of polyurethane from methylene diphenyl diisocyanate and 1.6-hexanediol. No other clear aligner uses this formula.

The materials Invisalign is made of are meant to be easier to put on and take off while maintaining optimal comfort throughout the day as you wear them. Your clear aligners will fit snugly around your teeth while gently applying the force needed to correct your smile.

Where are Invisalign Clear Aligners Manufactured?

After your Smile Scan has been completed, your treatment plan and digital smile profile will be sent to our sophisticated Invisalign lab for the production of your clear aligners. This location uses intricate systems designed by world-renowned software engineers to create perfect trays every time.

QuickSmiles has partnered with Align Technologies to provide you with the ultimate Invisalign smile experience that includes support, pre-production tools, and the administrative steps necessary.

How Can I Start My Invisalign Smile Transformation?

The professional orthodontists at QuickSmiles have over 15 years of experience working with Invisalign for smile corrections. Schedule your FREE Smile Scan today to get started and see a 3D preview of your new smile!


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